Although some company subsidiaries have separate addresses, the Canadian head offices of AquaWaterEau Corporation and all its subsidiaries are located on the South Shore of Montreal.
Contact Information to Communicate with Head Office:
2255, rue Principale, Saint-Michel (Québec) J0L 2J0
Main phone number: 514-272-2782
Toll free number: 1-888-505-0071
General email:
To download detailed directions, click here (French only)
Please Select the Company You Wish to Contact or Click on the Corresponding Logo.
Aqua Filtration Corporation: Water treatment equipment distribution company having one of the largest networks of independent distributors in Canada.
Tel.: 514-272-2782, 1-888-505-0071
Filtraqua Canada: Franchised banner reserved for branches with corporate participation. Setting the standard since 1988.
Tel.: 450-454-3282, 1-800-667-7299
AquaLabo: Specialized company offering physico chemical and microbiological analysis services to retailers of water treatment equipment and their clientele. The AquaLabo laboratory accreditation from the ministry of the Environment of Quebec, according to the PALA, based on the ISO 17025 Standard, 2005 version.
Tel.: 514-374-0454, 1-888-505-0071
PlumbAqua: A recognized name since 1966. This name was retained following the acquisition of the assets of MacDonald & Fils. Water treatment equipment distribution company having one of the largest networks of plumbing contractors in Canada.
Tel.: 514-374-0450, 1-800-363-7137
Pompes MacDonald: A recognized name since 1966. Company specialized in pumping systems. One of the oldest distributors in Canada.
Tel.: 450-454-2082, 450-245-7504